Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Short update

I got Maggie hired and trained but by the time she was up and running it was past 3pm. She made just a few calls and got a quick lead so she's actually excited for today. Sherri didn't work yesterday which accentuates the point that you need at least three marketers if you want consistent leads.

I was going to hire Laurel yesterday but she hasn't gotten back to me since Friday - no returned calls or emails. I'm looking for marketers who need the money so I'll be hiring Annette today instead. She's left 3 messages on my machine and several emails stating that she needs to start as soon as possible. When you're hiring marketers you'll find that if they don't need the money they won't work out too well.


Anonymous said...

I am extremely interested in your activities! I am new to Individual Health, started with UGA for 6 wks. Went to UA, have been there for 6 months. Am still wondering if I am "coasting" as you say, or "if this is going to work out very well financially". Have experimented w/my own marketers. Would like to know what you have to advise for my situation. Is going Independant the solution, vs. UA, for example? Thx, Curious in SC.

info@marylandquotes.com said...

I can definitely give you some advice. Just email me at info@marylandquotes.com

Anonymous said...

Hello. Curious, but where do you hire your callers from? And what type of ad do you place? Thanks.

info@marylandquotes.com said...

I post free ads on Craigslist.org and the ad just states that I'm looking for at-home telemarketers. I pay $12/hr flat and when they generate 4 or more leads per hour it's $15/hr.